It’s Not Always About Learning a New Strategy

It’s Not Always About Learning a New Strategy

Nov 01, 2016

When you don’t get what you want or don’t achieve your desired goals, the first thing that comes to mind is “I need a new strategy because mine is not working.” Of course, a new strategy can help, but often this is not the first thing to address…

Before you think of changing your strategy, it’s important to understand why your current strategy is not working. In most situations, there are 3 reasons why you’re not achieving what you desire most.

  • Reason #1 – Incongruency between your goal and your core identity – who you truly are. More specifically, you’ve set a goal that is not aligned with your highest values (which are your life priorities, the things that are most important and meaningful to YOU). In other words, your goals are not realisticAlthough you may really want to achieve that goal, it is not realistic currently in your present situation given your current highest values. Note that doesn’t mean you can never achieve this goal… It just means that there is some work to do to align your goal with your values, and only learning a new strategy won’t do it.

  • Reason #2 – Some roadblocks are preventing you from taking action. Often this corresponds to emotional baggage, unconscious patterns, limiting beliefs, fears, shame, or guilt. In this case, changing your strategy is not going to make much difference unless you confront your “own stuff” and resolve these emotional roadblocks.


  • Reason #3 – You lack clarity of the details for the execution. When you think about your goal it may seem/feel too big, too hard, too complex or you perceive that it’ll take too much effort and energy… Therefore you end up procrastinating and telling yourself “Not today, I’m too busy, I’ll start tomorrow…” but sadly tomorrow never comes, it only gets pushed back, further and further…

Next time you set a goal and you find yourself not making much progress, don’t jump to conclusion that you need to change your strategy and learn a new one.

From experience, coaching clients from around the world, strategy is often the last issue to addressCongruency between your goal and your core identity comes first followed by resolving emotional baggage. Once these are sorted out, it’s then time to design your most authentic strategy.

If you’re currently struggling to get things done or achieving your goals and are beating yourself up for it, it might make sense to get in touch with us…

In Nutshell: 

When people don’t achieve what they want, they often blame their strategy. While it’s indeed sometimes the case; for most people, it’s really about (1) incongruency between their goals and their core identity and (2) unresolved past emotional baggage. These are the most common issues that stand in the way of someone reaching their goals.


Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel are Personal Leadership Specialists, Life & Business Strategists, Executive Coaches, and the founders of Mastery to Success.

Our mission is to help you activate your personal leadership and tap into your unique design so you can create a clear path forward and enjoy a rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful life and career.

We help high-achieving professionals, business owners, and emerging leaders to break through to the next level of their life and career by creating a clear path forward.

With more than two decades of experience, our coaching experience and skillsets have set new standards in tuning the human mind, body, and behaviour to achieve greater success, fulfilment, and impact by mastering the science of personal leadership.

Combining our coaching experience and expertise in neuroscience, human behaviour, leadership, the mind-body connection, and business, we work as a powerful team to deliver real-life results fast for our clients.


Want to know more about how we might be able to help you, please visit our websites:

Step Up To The Next Level with a Clear Path Forward with Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel

Activate Your Personal Leadership to Accelerate Your Career & Success with Dr. Olivier Becherel

Break Through Mental & Emotional Roadblocks To Reclaim Your Personal Power with Dr. Marcia Becherel


Want to have a quick chat with us to get more clarity on yourself and on the way forward?

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