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A little bit about us and why we love what we do...

Dr. Olivier Becherel

Dr Olivier Becherel

Executive Coach

Career & Life Strategist

Personal Leadership Specialist

From a very young age, I have been fascinated with the mysteries of ‘Life’ and its unique abilities to create, solve problems and evolve. I was always naturally inquisitive and sought to understand how things worked around me.

That fascination with Life and the ‘micro-world’ led me to study biology and then undertake a PhD. in Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology. Eventually, this led me to pursue a career in cancer research and neuroscience, to better understand the connections between external and internal influences in the context of health and disease.

From my scientific training, I learned to understand how changes in the external environment influences the internal one by exploring different perspectives and looking for cause and effect relationships.

Ultimately this allowed me to develop an uncanny ability to see things most people don’t and connect the dots to make sense of the world and what’s happening behind the scene.

Despite my love of science, I found myself continuously frustrated with the rigidity of the academic system that was gradually starting to undermine my creative spirit. Research funding and politics were restricting my exploration and freedom of thinking. Gradually, I became more and more disengaged with my work.

That realisation was a turning point in my life and my career path. I made a commitment to myself to do whatever it takes to integrate mind and body, spirit and matter, science and spirituality in the pursuit of what was calling me deep inside – unlocking human potential.

I put an end to my academic career and left behind the security and ‘prestige’ to start my entrepreneurial journey. That was scary to embark into the unknown, however, I knew deep down I made the right choice because I was born for more.

I am on a mission to educate, guide and empower high-achieving professionals to discover who they really are so they can create more success, impact and fulfilment within a career path designed around their unique gifts, skills and talents.

D. Marcia Becherel

Dr Marcia Becherel

Personal Transformation Facilitator

Creator of NEI

​I have been interested in life and its potential from a young age. I started my journey in medicine, became a medical doctor and then pursued my exploration with a Ph.D. in Microbiology & Public Health. However, I knew from the beginning of my medical and scientific career that the Western allopathic approach to wellbeing was incomplete. So, parallel to my medical and scientific career, I also extensively studied Natural Therapies, Energy Medicine and the Mind-Body connection to expand my knowledge and skills beyond my academic qualifications.

All my life, I have been looking for a holistic approach to wellbeing and the fulfilment of human potential. With courage, I decided to quit my medical/scientific career to pursue my true calling in personal transformation.

10 years ago, I started to really deep dive into the role of emotions in wellbeing and personal transformation. Since then, I gained expertise in cutting-edge technologies for accelerated personal transformation such as the Demartini Method, Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis, HeartMath, and the Sedona Method.

Over the past 10 years, my work has focused on developing my own mind-body integration methodology to empower my clients to transform stress into success, emotional turmoil into balance, and self-sabotage intro a creative driving force.

Clients come to me burnout, overwhelmed, feeling powerless and over-powered by life circumstances and the rollercoaster ride of emotions. Through one-on-one coaching, I flip the dynamic around and guide them back to be in the driver’s seat of their life.

I am on a mission to educate and empower professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs to master their emotions, develop resilience and reclaim their personal power.

My gift is to assist individuals to identify and break through the mental and emotional roadblocks that are holding them back from embracing their full potential.

From there, they are able to connect with their heart and reclaim their personal power to create the career, business and life of their dreams.