Embrace Change: Flourishing In An Uncertain World
In today's fast-changing and unpredictable world, the ability to wholeheartedly embrace change and navigate through uncertainty is not just a desirable trait; it's a vital one.
5 Steps To Create The Life And Career You Love
This 5-Step framework helps you bring more meaning, income, and fulfilment to your life by doing what you love, making a difference, and building a legacy.
“Because I Feel Constantly Overwhelmed, My Clarity And Decision Making Isn’t At The Level I Want It To Be…” (Roadblock #4)
The world offers a wide range of options, and it’s possible that this is turning people, like your colleagues or yourself, into maximisers.
Follow Your Own Rhythm
The take home message is about the importance of listening to your own body and following your own rhythm.
The Optimism Bias… Is Necessary!
When it comes to predicting what will happen to us, we often overestimate the likelihood of positive events, and underestimate the likelihood of negative events.
It’s Just the Way We Think
Did you know that every time you think about something you engage different neural pathways depending on what you think about?
Making Better Decisions With Clarity of Distance
While both speed and complexity have grown exponentially in the last 10 years, the time we have available to make decisions that count has decreased exponentially.
Feeling Stuck? Clue #2
The two most common issues that people face are an absence of internal drive and meaning and feeling stuck because of the difficulty to move forward and execute.
The Foundation Stone of Success
Your core identity is your compass, it gives you the direction, the energy and the momentum to move forward.
The Stoic Approach to Life: It’s all About Circles
Focus on making clear what parts of your day are within your control and what parts are not.
One of the Hardest Things to do in Life
Have you ever wondered how you can get some time back, how you can feel less busy?
Coaching or Consulting: Which one is right for me?
The difference between a consultant and coach might not be always clear, and if that is still something that eludes you. Read this.
How to Know When it's Time To Switch Things Up
Here are ways to curb the fatigue and find something to move toward if you feel stuck in a career rut.
Because you can, it doesn’t mean you should
Choosing your career is not about settling for the “default option”. It’s not about the obvious choice, but rather asking yourself: “What would I absolutely love to do?”
Another Word For Life Is: Choice
Every moment, every second we live, we make a choice… We choose to think about something, someone, someplace, some situation or event.
How A Lesson In Geometry Can Help You Manage Stress
How can geometry help me manage my stress? With the power of The Triangle Process.
What Innately Drives Human Behaviour
There are two ancient neural circuits within our limbic system that drive human behaviour – reward and threat circuits.
Our Greatest Dilemma!
I read somewhere that “Poor people spend time to save money, rich people spend money to save time.”
3 Ways The Brain Creates Meaning
Living a happy and fulfilling life relies on being able to draw meaning out of everyday experiences. One way to find more meaning is to better understand how we create it ourselves.
The Game Of Life
What people really need and demand from life is not wealth, comfort or esteem, but games worth playing.
Business rules or Life rules
Rules provide some order or structure in our lives, guidance, and principles to act and make a difference. What rules are we operating from?
Why Flexibility Is Important For Success In A Changing World
The world is changing constantly and faster and faster. There is no option but to adapt to it if we want to survive, grow and succeed.
The Basis Of Long-Term Change
A very most common idea at the beginning of the year is a phenomenon called “new year’s resolutions”. But the sad thing about new year’s resolutions is they often don’t last!
It’s ALL About Values
When someone is doing something that doesn’t match his/her highest values, that person tends to procrastinate, frustrate and hesitate, lacks energy, enthusiasm, and motivation.
The 3 Areas of Training…
It’s time to take a few minutes to reflect on 3 areas in which the person who would be wise must be trained…
Life Lessons from Mathematics
After exploring the power and beauty of mathematical ideas from the great thinkers and great theorems, I came to realize that mathematics teaches us important life lessons.