How A Lesson In Geometry Can Help You Manage Stress

How A Lesson In Geometry Can Help You Manage Stress

Apr 16, 2013

You may think this is a bit strange…

How can geometry really help me manage my stress?

Well, that is because you haven’t discovered yet the power of The Triangle Process.

One of our greatest sources of joy and happiness in life comes from our relationships with others. Whether in a family, a romantic, a social, or a professional relationship, human interactions represent one of the most important aspects of our lives.

However, it’s not always rosy.

Relationships are also where most tension, arguments, anxiety, and stress may come from.

The triangle has been since early civilisations, the symbol of the trilogy or the triad that makes all existence possible.

 It has been interpreted as:

  • The father, the mother, and the son
  • The male, the female, and the creative power
  • The sky, the earth, and the living creatures
  • The spirit, the mind, and the body

The triangle can also be used to represent all our relationships.

In the case of a romantic relationship, for example, Me might be yourself, You might be your partner, and Others might be your friends.

The Greek philosopher Epictetus once said, Establish the Triangle and the problem is 2/3 solved.

Pythagoras, the Greek Mathematician said, Find two sides of a triangle, and you can solve any problem.”

Often stress comes when there is tension in a relationship between two persons (Me and You), such as represented here with the base of the triangle. As you establish the triangle, you insert another point of view (Others).

If we look at the triangle, the third corner (Others) is able to look down on Me and You as an observer.

Albert Einstein said, You cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking at which it was created.

By establishing the triangle, we add a higher level of thinking, a new vantage point that can observe and get a bird’s eye view of the situation between Me and You.

I’m sure you have experienced this before when you got into an argument with someone that couldn’t go anywhere, and suddenly someone joins in the conversation with a different perspective and suggested of solution that suited both of you.

Well, that is The Triangle process.

Today, my tip for you is The Triangle Process.

Anytime you find yourself in a stressful situation, whether because of a relationship or something else, think of The Triangle Process. Either find a third opinion to provide clarity and understanding on the situation, or even better do it yourself by doing The Triangle Process.

In The Triangle Process, you are going to assume each position of the triangle (Me, You, and Others), and each time you assume a particular position, you are going to embody that person and see the scene from her own perspective.

This will give you 3 different perspectives of the situation which will bring clarity and understanding to the situation, reduce miscommunication, and thus stress and anxiety.

To make it work best, it is important to physically change your position as you do the process. In other words, it’s best if you move from your current physical position (Me) and assume the position of (You) and then move again to assume the position of the observer (Others), embodying each corner of the triangle.

This process is very simple, however, do not underestimate its power. I bet now you are going to have a different appreciation for geometry…

In Nutshell:

Perspective is required to solve any problem.

The Triangle Process has many applications.

It is a simple way to gain perspective and find new ways to solve a presenting problem. Don’t you love math?


Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel are Personal Leadership Specialists, Life & Business Strategists, Executive Coaches, and the founders of Mastery to Success.

Our mission is to help you activate your personal leadership and tap into your unique design so you can create a clear path forward and enjoy a rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful life and career.

We help high-achieving professionals, business owners, and emerging leaders to break through to the next level of their life and career by creating a clear path forward.

With more than two decades of experience, our coaching experience and skillsets have set new standards in tuning the human mind, body, and behaviour to achieve greater success, fulfilment, and impact by mastering the science of personal leadership.

Combining our coaching experience and expertise in neuroscience, human behaviour, leadership, the mind-body connection, and business, we work as a powerful team to deliver real-life results fast for our clients.


Want to know more about how we might be able to help you, please visit our websites:

Step Up To The Next Level with a Clear Path Forward with Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel

Activate Your Personal Leadership to Accelerate Your Career & Success with Dr. Olivier Becherel

Break Through Mental & Emotional Roadblocks To Reclaim Your Personal Power with Dr. Marcia Becherel


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