Feeling Drained Of Energy Going Uphill All The Times: Clue #3

Feeling Drained Of Energy Going Uphill All The Times: Clue #3

Apr 14, 2021

SCENARIO #3: In this scenario, you‘re taking action, however, it often feels like a struggle it’s hard and you’re not finding your flow. Furthermore, every time you have an obstacle coming up, things seem to get out of control pretty quickly and you find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster rideoften finding it hard to stay cool under pressure, connect with others and get back to your inner balance.

The more push comes to shove, the more you’re struggling to stay afloat and get things done. The strategies you’re employing don’t really feel like yours and you’re not sure who you are and what you really want in life – you’re not clear on your life purpose and mission.

In this scenario, the two most common issues that people face are an absence of internal drive and meaning and the difficulty to overcome obstacles and stay cool under pressure. It’s easy for them to be overwhelmed, stressed out, and go through emotional turmoil when things don’t work according to their expectations. Simply put, stress has become the new “normal” daily life.

I’ve previously covered in detail where the lack of internal driver and meaning comes from, so here I’m just going to focus on the difficulty to overcome obstacles and stay cool under pressure.

  • Not coping well with obstacles and having difficulty managing emotions often results in high volatility, chronic stress, and anxiety. Due to the constant changes happening in our modern fast-paced life, it feels like you’re always living on the edge, on the verge of a collapse, and this is draining you, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Slowly but surely, you’re burning out and feeling unwell, and perhaps even having physical pains and symptoms is relatively frequent. You might even suffer from psychosomatic health issues…

What to do next?

Developing simple emotional intelligence and resilience skills would first allow you to respond with a choice instead of reacting instinctively to daily stressors and tone down your volatility, thus reducing your stress, and anxiety and ultimately allowing you to better regulate your own physiology. Once you are able to remain cool under pressure and manage your emotional states effectively, spending some time to uncover your Core Identity would be the next big thing to focus on.

Below are examples of quality questions you might want to try to help you balance your perception when things don’t match your expectations, or when you feel challenged:

  • What’s the benefit or the upside of this situation?
  • How is this serving me and helping me grow?
  • What would be the drawback if it didn’t happen?
  • What else could that mean?

Starting to ask yourself these questions whenever you encounter a difficult situation or embark on an emotional rollercoaster ride can help you balance your emotions and cool down, so you can start to tackle new ways to get clarity on your Core Identity using some of the questions we’ve previously shared with you.


Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel are Personal Leadership Specialists, Life & Business Strategists, Executive Coaches, and the founders of Mastery to Success.

Our mission is to help you activate your personal leadership and tap into your unique design so you can create a clear path forward and enjoy a rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful life and career.

We help high-achieving professionals, business owners, and emerging leaders to break through to the next level of their life and career by creating a clear path forward.

With more than two decades of experience, our coaching experience and skillsets have set new standards in tuning the human mind, body, and behaviour to achieve greater success, fulfilment, and impact by mastering the science of personal leadership.

Combining our coaching experience and expertise in neuroscience, human behaviour, leadership, the mind-body connection, and business, we work as a powerful team to deliver real-life results fast for our clients.


Want to know more about how we might be able to help you, please visit our websites:

Step Up To The Next Level with a Clear Path Forward with Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel


Activate Your Personal Leadership to Accelerate Your Career & Success with Dr. Olivier Becherel


Break Through Mental & Emotional Roadblocks To Reclaim Your Personal Power with Dr. Marcia Becherel



Want to have a quick chat with us to get more clarity on yourself and on the way forward?

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