Business rules or Life rules

Business rules or Life rules

Feb 28, 2017

We often recognise the importance of rules. Rules provide some order or structure in our lives, guidance, and principles to act and make a difference. Sometimes we like the rules because they allow us to get what we want, at other times we don’t because they prevent us from having what we want.

We also know that there are different rules for each area of our lives. We have personal rules, social rules, family rules, professional rules, physical rules, and spiritual rules. There are also Universal rules and local rules…

The reality is, we can’t escape rules…

Here I’d like to take a moment to explore the wider application of some business/career rules.

In business or career, success is often based on the following three rules:

  • Distinction
  • Excellence
  • Service

However, if you think about it, these three rules also apply to life and friendship, which is by the way one of the most important parts of our journey. We are born social beings. Alone, we only have a limited chance of surviving and thriving.

Only with social, family, and friendship, support and challenges can we evolve in our terrestrial journey…

So, let’s quickly have a look at the parallel between business/career rules and life rules:

  • Distinction: Being unique, delivering unique value and content to our customers and clients. The more influential we become, the more we have to display our uniqueness to our fans and followers. A fan or a follower is someone who has a strong interest in or admiration for someone “famous”.

Well, this also applies to life. Being yourself, delivering unique value and information to your entourage, family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones.

The truer you are to yourself, the more authentic and congruent you are, the more others will appreciate you, trust you, and follow you, both in life and in business/career.

Strengthening that invisible bond that exists between friends, loved ones, colleagues, and peers is the foundation of our society. That invisible bond is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives and to the lives of those we meet and greet…

  • Excellence: Excellence is about giving your greatest effort and caring enough about your career, customers, and clients to make sure the value you bring is equal or better than anything else out there. It’s striving to be a master and a leader in what we do. Developing an obsessive focus on being the best at what we do and challenging our customers to be their best in everything we teach them to do.

The sad truth is that most people do not have someone in their lives to push them to grow as a person and become better at what they do. Be that person for your customers and clients. Challenge them to be their best selves and act with excellence – because nobody else is doing that for them.

Similarly in life, the more we strive for excellence, whether in relationships with family, friends, colleagues and loved ones, the more we fill a void. A void in our life, and a void in their lives.

Become a master in what you do and do it with sincerity, passion, and genuine care. Be the best you can be with your entourage, friends, family, loved ones, and colleagues, challenges them, push them to be their best, to help them reach their highest personal potential.

Set standards of excellence in your relationships, whether that relationship is professional, general, casual, deep, or intimate. Whatever you do in life, be that person for someone else and help them see their magnificence.

  • Service: Business is based on helping others by providing valuable information, skills, or tools that can improve their lives. Caring about helping others, having a deep connection with those we serve, is helping them reach their potential. Being a servant leader by taking care of our clients and customers.

Again, this also applies to life. Our life purpose is to help others improve their lives, so we also improve ours at the same time. We are an interdependent society, so whatever we do to others will someday, somehow, sometimes come back to us. What you sow you shall reap. What you think about, and thank about, you bring about.

Take care of the people that made an effort to meet and know you in greater depth. For those are the people that care about you, believe in you, and want to see you shine. To those people, give your best, be sincere, authentic, open, caring, and genuine. Treat them the same way you would like to be treated because they are a reflection of yourself or some parts of yourself.

Take care of your relationships, because those are the most important things you could ever have, and also because you chose them, so make sure you keep them alive and well. Your relationships are the build blocks of your world, so build them, nurture them, and empower them.

In Nutshell: 

Business rules and life rules are the same, so be an eternal student of life and business, and teach the best lessons you gain from both worlds.


Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel are Personal Leadership Specialists, Life & Business Strategists, Executive Coaches, and the founders of Mastery to Success.

Our mission is to help you activate your personal leadership and tap into your unique design so you can create a clear path forward and enjoy a rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful life and career.

We help high-achieving professionals, business owners, and emerging leaders to break through to the next level of their life and career by creating a clear path forward.

With more than two decades of experience, our coaching experience and skillsets have set new standards in tuning the human mind, body, and behaviour to achieve greater success, fulfilment, and impact by mastering the science of personal leadership.

Combining our coaching experience and expertise in neuroscience, human behaviour, leadership, the mind-body connection, and business, we work as a powerful team to deliver real-life results fast for our clients.


Want to know more about how we might be able to help you, please visit our websites:

Step Up To The Next Level with a Clear Path Forward with Drs. Marcia & Olivier Becherel

Activate Your Personal Leadership to Accelerate Your Career & Success with Dr. Olivier Becherel

Break Through Mental & Emotional Roadblocks To Reclaim Your Personal Power with Dr. Marcia Becherel


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