The Success Blueprint Masterclass

Get Access To The Success Blueprint® Masterclass For FREE Now!

In this masterclass, you will discover how to accelerate your personal & professional success with a simple proven roadmap to create a clear path forward!

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    "Thank You Olivier, Very helpful Session! Love it!" - Michael

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    Mastery to Success - Transforming your results

    Your Business Success Hinges On Developing Your Team's Potential & Capabilities

    You're only 1 Step away from growing a winning team!

    Why you need a tailored leadership development program to grow an A-Team and fast track your business success?

  • Your people will give you their best because they see you caring about them and their personal and professional growth!

  • Your people will learn how best communicate and collaborate with each other to create a more productive and effective team! 

  • Your people will be engaged and grateful for being part of your company and that will be seen and felt by your customers!

  • You will be able to unlock the unique potential of each team member to create more success, meaning and fulfilment in your workplace!

  • Your people will take more ownership of their work and become more independent and autonomous!

  • Your people will rave about your leadership and your company and that will attract new talents to further grow the business! 

  • And if you don't this might happen...

  • Your people are disengaged because they don't feel valued, appreciated and recognised.

  • Your people are dissatisfied because of a lack of training and advancement opportunities.

  • Your people are more irritable and arguments and conflicts happen more often.

  • Your people are stressed and burned out because there is too much work and work-life balance is not prioritised.

  • Your people suffer in silence because they don't have anyone to go to for personal advice and support in difficult times.

  • You find yourself drained of energy because there is tension and you're doing your best to put out fires every day.

  • You lose your best people because they are looking for a way out to feel better and progress their career.

  • " The dynamics of a company are what drive the success of a business. And the dynamics of a company are driven by people." 

    Sir. Richard Branson

    Our clients are business owners who want to...

  • Achieve long-term, sustainable and profitable growth

  • Grow a world class high-performing team

  • Unleash their team's unique potential and talents

  • Empower their staff because they are their greatest assets

  • Hold onto their best people because they are foundation of their business

  • We help business owners grow a high-performing team so each team member becomes more productive, effective and grateful to be working in your company!


    Here is how we can assist you and your team grow a successful and profitable business.

  • Keynote Presentations

    Get inspired, expand your mind and develop new perspectives

  • Bespoke Workshops

    A great way to solve current issues or initiate new behaviour changes

  • Executive Coaching

    For activating personal leadership and deep personal  transformation

  • Team Coaching & Support

    Develop talents, leadership capabilities and create more synergy

    Reviews From Clients

    Ben's Testimonial
    Riz's Testimonial
    Roze's Testimonial
    Arpit's Testimonial
    Ben's Testimonial
    Joyce's Testimonial
    Emily's Testimonial
    Jo's Testimonial

    Growing your team by providing them with leadership development training and growth opportunities is what makes the difference long-term between a business that experiences year-on-year growth and one that stagnates or depreciates.

    It's time to get the support you need to unlock the potential of your team and break through to the next level of growth, fulfilment and impact!

    Popular Workshops we've delivered

    The Success Blueprint For Life & Business

    Discover the keys to develop personal leadership and how to integrate life & work priorities to thrive and succeed.

    Creating Engagement & Fulfilment At Work

    Boosting team engagement & fulfilment at work by linking individual values to the vision, mission and objective of the company.

    Developing Leadership & Management Capabilities

    The 3 pillars of leadership & management and the 7 principles for effective communication to create more synergy and harmony.

    Developing Focus & Productivity In A Distracted World

    The productivity formula to manage and preserve time, energy and focus for increased productivity and performance.

    Optimising Energy, Focus & Flow For Greater Success

    Uncovering and tapping into your unique human design to create more flow and focus for greater performance and success.

    Transform Your Financial Destiny With A Money Mindset Upgrade

    The key factors that influence your money mindset, money management and wealth building.


    Olivier’s strengths are in helping you simplify, align and integrate life and business priorities so you are able to work smarter and get better results faster.

    My scientific training in neuroscience and medial research taught me how changes in our external environment influence our internal one through cause and effect relationships and different perspectives. I ​developed an uncanny ability to see things most people don’t and 'connect the dots'.

    Marcia’s gift is to assist you identify and break through the mental and emotional roadblocks that are holding you back from embracing your full potential.

    Over the past 10 years, my work has focused on developing my own mind-body integration methodology, NEI MethodTM (Neuro Emotional Integration) to empower my clients to transform stress into success, emotional turmoil into balance, and self-sabotage intro a creative driving force.

    Drs. Olivier & Marcia Becherel

    Personal Leadership Specialist, Life & Business Strategists, Human Potential Activators

    Are you ready to grow a winning team and accelerate your business growth and success?


    Each month you get:

  • 1x Interactive Team Workshop

  • 1x Workshop Debrief Session

  • Recording of workshop & debrief

  • Unlimited email access for support

  • 1:1 Executive Coaching (10 hours)


    Each month you get:

  • 1x Interactive Team Workshop

  • 1x Workshop Debrief Session

  • Recording of workshop & debrief

  • Unlimited email access for support

  • 1:1 Executive Coaching (20 hours)


    Each month you get:

  • 1x Interactive Team Workshop

  • 1x Workshop Debrief Session

  • Recording of workshop & debrief

  • Unlimited email access for support

  • 1:1 Executive Coaching (30 hours)

  • *Initial engagement of 6 months and thereafter can be renewed on a month-to-month basis.

    **Executive coaching hours can be tailored to the size of your team and can be used by any member of the team.

    In addition to the 3 options presented above, coaching & training packages can be tailored to address your business and team needs. To find out more, schedule a complimentary call with us.


    What is the Interactive Team Workshop?

    The Interactive Team Workshop is a bespoke program facilitated by Olivier & Marcia to address a specific need of the company. It typically runs for 90 minutes and contains a teaching component and self-reflection activities. It's a "boardroom style" workshop that is simple, practical and thought-provoking. It's a great way to engage the team. The workshop is delivered online via zoom.

    The workshop is then followed by a Debrief Session on Zoom to consolidate what has been shared during the workshop.

    The debrief session typically runs for 45 minutes and answers any questions. The aim of this session is to facilitate the implementation of the ideas discussed during the workshop.

    What is Unlimited Email Support?

    During the duration of the engagement, team members have unlimited access to Olivier & Marcia via email for guidance and support. 

    How Does The Executive Coaching work?

    Consultation with us will typically be for 60 minutes, however, it may range from 45 mins to 75 mins. From time to time, depending on the issue presented and your needs, the consultation may extend beyond 75 mins. You will be advised beforehand if we think that an extended session is required.

    I'm interested, what's the next step?

    All you need to do is book a complimentary obligation-free call with us to take the first step. We’ll have a conversation and go over where you’re at, your goals, your priorities, your needs and what's you're looking for to see if we’re a good fit. If we are, we can then discuss coaching options that are best suited to you, your business and your team.

    If you have any questions about how we could best support your business and team growth, schedule a complimentary call to discuss your specific needs with us.

    Let's partner together to unleash your team's potential and grow your most important assets!