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Identify Your True Values, Work Smarter And Get More Fulfilment At Work And In Life

You're only 1 Step away from greater clarity on your path forward!

Dr Olivier Becherel

Uncover what is truly most important and meaningful to you with the Clarity factor

Who Is The Clarity Factor For?

If the following applies to you, then this session is perfect for you!

  • You feel trapped in pattern and you don't know what to do to get out of it. You've tried many things but so far it hasn't really worked. You're tired of not knowing why things aren't working for you. You want to get a new perspective on your situation ad expert advice.

  • You are at a crossroads in your career and you don't know what your best next step is. You've been trying hard on your own to figure it out but you've not been able to nail it. You're ready to get professional help and a fresh perspective on your situation to get a clear path forward.

  • You want to work smarter, be more effective and get better results. If you're like us, you want to make sure you maximise the use of your time, energy, money and resources to live fife fully and make the difference you know you are capable of.

  • You're unfulfilled, frustrated and stuck and you want to find a way forward. You know that you are your most precious asset and you're ready to invest the time, energy and money necessary to make the most out of your time on planet Earth.

  • You're not scared of deeply knowing and understanding yourself. If you're like us, you suspect there's more to you than meets the eye and you want to know what that is.

  • The Clarity Factor will help you get to know yourself on a whole new level that you never have experienced before.

    Here is how it works...

    The Clarity Factor is a 1:1 Coaching Session with Dr Olivier Becherel

    The Clarity Factor Coaching Session
  • Focused Questionnaire to complete prior to the session.

  • A 90 mins coaching session with Olivier to uncover your true values, what is most important and meaningful to you, and what makes you unique.

  • Detailed report about your values.

  • Audio recording of the session for you to re-listen and get additional insights!

  • Zoom call

    Together in 90 mins, I will help you determine your true values and your path of least resistance and most fulfilment in work and life.

    At the end of the session, you will walk away with:



      Crystal clarity of who you are and why you do what you do every day.



      A deeper understanding of your highest priorities and what you value most.

      Direction in life


      Greater certainty about your optimal direction in life.

      Plan of Action


      A personal plan of action with your personal success strategy.

    I will help you find clarity about your most effective path to personal and professional Success and fulfilment

    Dr Olivier Becherel - Personal Leadership Specialist

    Olivier is the ‘go-to person’ when it comes to clarity, connecting the dots and developing authentic strategies. Olivier’s strengths are in helping you simplify, align and integrate life and business priorities so you are able to work smarter and get better results faster.

    My scientific training in neuroscience and medial research taught me how changes in our external environment influence our internal one through cause and effect relationships and different perspectives. I ​developed an uncanny ability to see things most people don’t and 'connect the dots'.

    The Clarity Factor will give you a solid foundation. You will walk away from the session with greater CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and simple ACTION STEPS you can put into motion immediately!

    Your investment for The Clarity Factor Session: $750 AUD

    Here is what will happen next as soon as you book your Clarity Factor session:

    Step 1. Check your email

    You will receive a Welcome email with a link to the Pre-Session Questionnaire

    This email will be coming from Dr Olivier Becherel I Mastery to Success

    <[email protected]>

    If you do not see the Welcome email within the next 30 mins or so, please check your Spam folder or "Promotions" tab, it may have landed up there.

    Step 2. Keep your receipt

    You will receive automatically a purchase receipt via email.

    This email will come from Dr Olivier Becherel I Mastery to Success

    <[email protected]>

    We will also send you a Tax Invoice separately for your purchase.Please keep them in a safe place as proof of your purchase.

    Step 3. Book Your Session

    We will contact you personally to book a date and time for your session.

    You will then receive a calendar invitation for a Zoom Meeting with Dr Olivier Becherel.

    What Clients Are Saying About the Clarity Factor


    Olivier is an exceptional person. I was facing some difficult challenges in my life and after just one session together I had more clarity, a newfound enthusiasm and a deeper understanding of myself. His way of simplifying complex topics to make them clear and easy to understand is quite extraordinary. Olivier’s ability to help you get clear on what drives you and then linking that all together is outstanding. If you feel like your life is stuck and you want to get crystal clarity on a plan to move forward, I highly recommend working with Olivier.

    Michael Hoad

    Prior to the Clarity Factor, there was some uncertainty around my values based on what I thought I wanted or should be doing. After going through the process of the Clarity Factor with Olivier, it proved certainty and clarity around my values and allowed me to give myself permission to accept hem and made complete sense to me. It was a clear, succinct process, easy to understand and provided clear insights with the results and a good basis for which to go ahead with further work.

    Sally Lewis


    Olivier makes sense of your world. Before working with him I felt frustrated and resentful of my life – I felt I lacked control. But during our session I had multiple insights, and now, with absolute certainty I know what drives me and why. It all makes sense now! I’m clear on what’s important to me, and feel empowered to move forward with my life in a way that is meaningful to me. I loved the session! Olivier is a genius. If you want more clarity, he is the man to see.

    Jessica Anwyl


    I wanted to do some work on building my self-worth because I was struggling with my ability to be open to and engage in relationships. While I had already experience working on my values, doing the Clarity Factor with Olivier gave me a whole new world of depth and understanding on myself. It changed the way I approach business, work, my family, friends and relationships so I can stay true to myself. It was invaluable in terms of how much value and depth it brought into my life. It allowed me to connect and align all the pieces. It was absolutely huge for me.

    Anthony Masino


    My Clarity Factor session was priceless! To get a deeper understanding of who I am and the magical insights gained was the breakthrough I needed to expand and shift in my personal and professional life. I have gained more certainty and am having fun applying this wisdom – to this I am truly grateful.

    Aina Notoa

    Olivier has this ability to see beyond the words of your values and in doing so offer a more profound understanding of your truth.

    Rae Antony

    It's time to uncover your uniqueness, unlock your true potential and start living the life you deserve!